Day 3: Kigali


Today, we picked up our permits to go see the Gorillas, we ate Ethiopian food, we did some shopping, and some bird watching too.  But it was a very heavy day, one difficult to put into words.  Below, I want to share three things: something I wrote in my journal in the morning, a Bible verse, and something I wrote in my journal at night.

“Today, we will go to the Holocaust Museum here in Kigali.  We will witness one of the greatest genocides this world has ever known.  Help me, Lord.  Help me to dare to see.  But also to never let go of your promise.  “The Lord will surely comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; he will make the deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the Lord” (Isaiah 51:3).  You are the God of restoration.  And I believe you are already growing a garden out of this blood-soaked land.”

-written on the morning of Sept. 24.

“Therefore, please here this, you afflicted, who are drunk, but not with wine: Thus says your Lord, even your God who contends for His people, ‘Behold I have taken out of your hand the cup of reeling, the chalice of My anger; you will never drink it again.’”

-Isaiah 51:21

Love, my dear love
Show yourself to be
That more excellent way
Answer the machete slashes
Across the faces
The fingers cut off
The churches full of corpses
Answer the innocents
The little one
Slashed to death
While still in her
Mother’s embrace
Patrick, who was
A quiet boy, but good
And loved to ride
His bicycle
Answer the child’s sweater
With sleeves cut off
Doubtless the thin arms
They housed as well
Answer the child whose
Hopes dare rise every time
He finds himself in a
Busy marketplace: 
“Will I see a brother of mine?”
Answer too this child’s
Raw statement of fact:
“My parents, I will never see again.
But the people who killed them
I see everyday.”
Love! Oh my dear love!
Answer the hatred
The explosion of evil
You seemed to not answer
When the pressure was building
Hatred was spawning hatred
And where were you?
And what were you producing?
You seemed to not answer
In the eruption
Had you but said a word
Could not this land have
Been spared the blood
Of a million lives?
And you seem to not be
Answering now, when
—though things appear to be
Booming, thriving, in the mend—
There is not yet resolution
Much less reconciliation
Love, my dear love,
Show yourself to be
That more excellent way

-written the night after visiting the Genocide Memorial, not really knowing what else to say.

4 thoughts on “Day 3: Kigali

  1. When so much of life seems completely senseless and evil personified, the words of a song come to mind – “There is a Redeemer, Jesus God’s own Son, blessed Lamb of God Messiah, Holy One. Thank you, O My Father, for giving us Your Son, and leaving Your Spirit till the work on earth is done.” Keith Green

  2. I’ve never read such a deeply accurate expression of the unanswered question – where was God’s love, where was love itself that conquers all – in the genocide? Thanks for sharing this. It’s helpful to read an honest “I don’t understand” and knowing that somehow, still, our Father loves, understands & we’ll know a lot more when we get home!

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